The time has come to appreciate the equality of animals also theologically. The ITZ is therefore developing a theological zoology to complement theological anthropology. Our research is interdisciplinary, interdenominational and interreligious. A current focus is to make visible the knowledge of the three monotheistic world religions Christianity, Judaism and Islam on the human-animal-nature relationship. The interreligious insights are complemented by research results from behavioural and evolutionary biology, which have long since shown us that the dividing line between human and non-human animals cannot clearly be drawn. All the research suggests that our anthropocentric worldview of the human being as the most important creature must allow room for a change of perspective. Animals must be respected as our fellow creatures and their intrinsic value must be recognised!
We are related to all that lives.
Rainer Hagencord, Theology and Biology, Founder of the ITZ
The ITZ works intensively with the research network “Tier-Mensch Studies (TiMes) at the WWU Münster.
For example: Lecture Series: Animals in the Humanities and Social Sciences
The Institute of Landscape Ecology at the WWU Münster also has close ties with the ITZ.
Study Project 2021 AG Ökoplan: Was sind die Fundamente zur Überbrückung der Spaltung zwischen Mensch und Natur? Kurzform: Brücken bauen
(Working group Eco Plan: What are the foundations for bridging the divide between humans and nature? Short form: Building Bridges)
Study Project 2020 AG Ökoplan: „Aus der virtuellen Welt in die Natur“ eine Neuauflage -für alle? Kurzform: Wieder verbinden
(From the virtual world into nature" a new edition - for everyone? Short form: Reconnect)
Factsheet Ökoplan 2020
With the AFO, Arbeitsstelle für Forschungstransfer at the WWU Münster, in the field of bioinspiration, there has been close cooperation since autumn 2018 in the form of joint teaching events, strateg y discussions and possible projects in the area of "Expedition Münsterland".
"Weidebilder" (pictures of pasture) is a transdisciplinary project by AFO and ITZ in which artists and scientists work together in exchange to investigate animal-human relationships.
One focus of the ITZ courses is on the concrete experience of nature and encounters with animals, as well as on dealing with questions of biodiversity and species conservation and their political dimension. Since 2017 the Westfalian Wilhelms-Universität Münster (WWU), the Katholische Hochschule Münster (KatHO) (Catholic University) as well as further universities of the ITZ lecturer team have been collaborated on teaching events. Block seminars take place e.g. at the sites of Haus Mariengrund, the Allwetterzoo Münster and Hof Lohmann/Freckenhorster Werkstätten.
Requests for courses:
A further course is held together with the Sincletica Monastic School in Barcelona. Master course: „Knowledge, Art and Interiority".
Interreligious research on the human-animal-nature relationship and the religion-binding mandate to preserve creation is evident in the cooperation with the Centre for Islamic Theology (ZIT) at WWU Münster (Dr. Asmaa El-Maaroufi) and the Institute for Jewish Theology at the University of Potsdam (Prof. Dr. Jonathan Schorsch and Dr. Deborah Williger).
A first joint publication was produced as part of the DBU-funded pilot project “SCHÖPFUNG ERFAHREN: Interreligiöse Umweltbildung im Nationalpark Eifel.”
(EXPERIENCE CREATION. Interreligious environmental education in the Eifel National Park).